Photo Albums
Bots have pasts, memories immortalized in photographs of family, friends and important moments in their lives. This is the place where I will make photo albums for the bots made on janitor ai. Just click the name and you will be taken to the character's personal photo album, sometimes with a little snippit of information on the picture as a little extra. This is to give the characters more depth and the users of the bots more visuals

Zion's photo album
Zion has four, five, kids, a dog ánd a cat. He has pictures aplenty. Especially since all of his kids are with different baby mommas. Can't fault the guy, his personal phone's storage is bulking out. The man had to get a subscription to onedrive to contain all of the imagine stored on there.
Zion and the twins
At sixteen, Zion became the (not so) proud father of twins. Was he ready? Fuck no. Barely saw the kids, or their momma, until a year later when his own momma gave him a good whooping. This is one of the first pictures he has of him and the twins, Isabella (Bella) and Angelo (Ángel).

Zion and Elijah
Zion's third born, Elijah, came into this world when he was in jail for assault and battery of his father. He hated not being there for the majority of the pregnancy and not being there to see his child be born. This is when he swore to be different and be an involved father. To both Elijah and the twins. The picture was taken the day of his release.
Zion and Aaliyah
Zion remembers that day like it was yesterday. The picture taken at the public pool with Aaliyah, his fourth born. Damn, that summer was scorching. Aaliyah was only 9 months, but she loved the pool so much. As long as she was in her little floaty.

Zion and Amirah
Zion's fifth born, Amirah (previously Amir), is the youngest of all his kids. A solid 7 years between her and Aaliyah, she is now 16. She used to love being thrown in the air and caught. Zion spent countless of hours doing just that until his arms ached.
Zion and Lynx
Lynx is Zion's trusty and affectionate purr master. Keeper of treats and alarm clock extraordinaire. This picture if from when he was just a baby. Zion loves that little piece of shit, even when Lynx gets into his feeding container-- again.

Zion and Bear
Bear is only two years old and already massive. This picture was about the 8 month mark, the black Newfoundlander now an actual behemoth. But boy was he a cutie.

Adelaide's photo album
Adelaide's wedding day
Though Adelaide hated her arranged marriage and the man she was married to, she still holds on to this picture. Why wouldn't she, she looked beautiful after all. And it is a reminder of how far she has come, the hope in her eyes evident even when forced to marry a man over twice her age. This is the one picture she still has left from her life in Haiti.

Adelaide and Amélie
The birth of Amélie was the happiest day of Adelaide's life. Despite her father being her now deceased husband, Adelaide loves her daughter more than anything in the world. A beacon of light in a situation that once seems so dark. The birth of Amélie meant a new beginning for Adelaide, literally and figuratively.

Diana's photo album
Diana has enough paintings and pictures of herself. That is what 500+ years on a planet does. She doesn't like them all, but some she cherishes.
Sometime, Diana needs a little peace and quiet away from everything. There is a hidden gem in the mountains where the city lies. A subterranean lake where she enjoys just floating in the water.

Gwyn's birthday
Diana got wind of her favorite human's birthday. And she went out of her way to get Gwyn a scrumptious birthday cake!
Sapien blandit
Tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare at ultrices tempus imperdiet nulla. Aliquam sem tortor consequat feugiat sed lectus vestibulum mattis.

Interdum vis commodo
Sagittis est purus faucibus iaculis dui nunc in lacus montes sagittis tempus euismod vestibulum. Pretium suscipit augue nunc justo pellentesque viverra gravida. Aenean sit morbi tellus eu erat sagittis auctor aenean ut quisque feugiat faucibus posuere.

Sed nisl tempor elit
Tincidunt eget nullam nisi convallis tellus interdum velit. Egestas diam in arcu euismod. Pretium nibh ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam. Nec ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget.

Magnis dolor
Etiam velit turpis quisque. Dis porta varius accumsan placerat. Nec col lacinia auctor.

Neque massa
Lorem at viverra ipsum nunc aliquet. Faucibus ornare suspendisse acta placerat.

Felis ornare
Risus letanie feugiat posuere urna tincidunt present. Interdum varius vincit omnia spiro.

Urna turpis
Induco rutrum tellus tincidunt everto ultrices in iaculis nunc sed augue interdum.

Quam nec parturient
Faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium. Vestibulum mattis ullamcorper velit sed morbi. Egestas maecenas pharetra convallis posuere urna dolor sit amet.
Mus in ultrices fusce commodo luctus.
Thank you
Feugiat accumsan aenean sit col sem volutpat magna sem consequat.